
Testimonial Image

As a psychiatrist working in a busy psych ER setting, providing quality patient care is often challenging due to time constraints and staffing shortages. With the right patient, HealMed can reduce patient wait times, produce a comprehensive history, automatically enter it to the existing EMR, and allow the evaluating clinician to provide more efficient, quality care. I am very excited for Dr. Goel and her team and looking forward to seeing the final product!.

Shiming Wu
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The very first time I was presented with Dr. Goel’s product I was very impressed and I immediately recognized numerous clinical implications. The benefit of being able to automatize and prepopulate a major fraction of the required documentation cannot be emphasized enough. Not only that it is a time saver but it also allows the physician to inform himself about the nature of a patient’s condition even before the face to face encounter.​

Milos Starovic
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I am very excited to support Healmind. I believe it has tremendous potential, and will significantly help both patient with mental illness as well as hospital/facilities, specially in areas of high need and / or long wait times.

Manish Aggarwal
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I had the opportunity to utilize this software, which represents a significant advancement in the realm of psychiatry. It serves as an engaging and user-friendly interactive activity for patients. Notably, it offers a means for the practitioner to establish the session's objectives, pinpoint any potential concerns requiring attention, and efficiently structure the session ahead of time. This tool proves invaluable in streamlining the provider's schedule, amidst their demanding commitments.

Jonathan E. Dunn
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As a MD in a Fast Moving Clinic, I love the concept of this app. As is well known, one of the least enjoyable parts of patient care is the endless documentation. A.I transcription with safety alerts for the usual, rot screening questions will save so much time typing, leaving more space to actually talk to the patient. Can't wait for it to be release with even more features!

Dr.Luanne Morris Smith
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Had a chance to work with this software. This is a giant leap for the field of psychiatry. Can be an interactive activity that is simulating and easy for patients to use. It can be a way for the provider to said the intention for the session while highlighting any red flags the provider needs to address. In addition this tool can be use to structure the session all while saving time in the providers busy schedule.

Salim El Sabbagh